This degree contributes to the development of the visual arts and the strengthening of the artistic community.
It creates a space of excellence for the production of knowledge in visual arts and create a center of artistic and cultural interest that enables dialog and interaction with other related actors in the region, the country, and the world.
It trains artists capable of imagining new professional paths with great ability to insert themselves into the current context of art and it offers innovative and selective training to favour graduates in their incorporation into the artistic context, both nationally and internationally.
It also intends to create a new space for the local artistic community, and start a strong relationship between the artistic community and society, with the aim that the program and the circulation of its students have a positive impact on the whole society highlighting the presence of cultural roots in the context of the region and the country

Objectives and competencies
- Visual and artistic creation, both individual and collective, not only focused on the different commercialization possibilities in the art market, but also on the independent productions and experimental artistic executions, in dialog with the artistic community and the environmental and social reality.
- Applied illustration to different creative fields such as comics, animation, clothing design, etc.
- Realization of scenographic projects for plays, cinema, or television (project design, direction, execution).
- Applied art to handcrafted or industrial production with social and environmental consciousness, in areas such as textile art, jewellery, and ceramics, among many others.
- Generation and development of new techniques and methods in the field of visual production, where multidisciplinary training in its broadest sense is put into play, which includes both the conceptual and formal aspects of artistic creation, as well as features related to mitigation of negative impacts on society or the environment.
· Technology, Environment, and Society
· History of Art and Civilizations
· Visual Composition
· Arts and Science Workshop
· Drawing and Painting I
· Photography and Video I
· Drawing and Sculpture I
· History of Art and Civilizations II
· Arts and Social Sciences
· Epistemology and Semiology
· Legal Protection for Artists
· Drawing and Painting II
· Photography and Video II
· Drawing and Sculpture II
· History of Art and Civilizations III
· Drawing and Painting III
· Economics and Costs
· Elective course I
· Animation workshop
· Elective course II
· Drawing and Sculpture III
· Illustration and Narration
· Projective Workshop
University Technician in Visual Arts